How about when you come to the only stop sign in a one-horse town and the traffic is backed up three, count 'em THREE cars deep? If only there was a way to avoid this horrible congestion on the roadways in rural Texas.
Well, the State of Texas is looking out for you. Or are they?
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Among one of the many purported benefits of the Trans Texas Corridor is relief from traffic congestion. Hey, I'm all for it. I live in Katy, and I drive to work every day and witness the traffic congestion that is a real problem in metro areas and even on some of our interstate highways. Imagine driving from the suburbs to downtown at rush hour and never having to go below the speed limit.
Well, I've got some bad news for you. TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) will have you believe that this new superhighway system, which will consume countless acres of Texas land is the solution to your problems. WRONG! How will a road that barely even comes near a major metro area even begin to relieve traffic congestion? Supporters say that it will eliminate through traffic by allowing it to bypass metro areas. OK, great...BUT, as a daily commuter, I feel it is my duty to inform TxDOT that traffic isn't caused by through traffic, its caused by your average daily commuter on their way to work. Why do you think traffic piles up at rush hour? Its because people are going to and from work in town. It has nothing to do with through traffic. A toll road that does not go through town will not alleviate congestion caused by daily commuters.
I submit to you that it will possibly make traffic worse in major metro areas by postponing or cancelling needed solutions to metro traffic relief because resources are now focused on building a superhighway to, from, and through nowhere.
So not only will it NOT relieve traffic congestion where there actually is traffic congestion, but it will displace thousands of families from their rural homes and family farms, destroy churches, graveyards and the life that so many rural Texans have worked so hard for, and all where there is no traffic! Wow, why didn’t we think of this sooner? Because it MAKES NO SENSE!
Well, I've got some bad news for you. TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) will have you believe that this new superhighway system, which will consume countless acres of Texas land is the solution to your problems. WRONG! How will a road that barely even comes near a major metro area even begin to relieve traffic congestion? Supporters say that it will eliminate through traffic by allowing it to bypass metro areas. OK, great...BUT, as a daily commuter, I feel it is my duty to inform TxDOT that traffic isn't caused by through traffic, its caused by your average daily commuter on their way to work. Why do you think traffic piles up at rush hour? Its because people are going to and from work in town. It has nothing to do with through traffic. A toll road that does not go through town will not alleviate congestion caused by daily commuters.
I submit to you that it will possibly make traffic worse in major metro areas by postponing or cancelling needed solutions to metro traffic relief because resources are now focused on building a superhighway to, from, and through nowhere.
So not only will it NOT relieve traffic congestion where there actually is traffic congestion, but it will displace thousands of families from their rural homes and family farms, destroy churches, graveyards and the life that so many rural Texans have worked so hard for, and all where there is no traffic! Wow, why didn’t we think of this sooner? Because it MAKES NO SENSE!
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