Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My TTC Townhall Experience

Not much time to type right now so I'll make it short. A couple of things that jumped out at me during the meeting in Rosenberg were the following.

I was there for almost three hours and I didn't hear one single person say they supported the current TTC plan.

That leads me to my next observation. The TXDOT commissioner at the meeting said that he was surprised by the amount of displeasure and disgust with the plan. He stated that he hadn't gotten that feeling from the previous town halls. I almost fell out of my chair when he said that.
The entire room burst out in overwhelming sounds of disapproval and disgust. I went onto the KHOU 11 website here in Houston for the news footage of the Hempstead meeting and the same TXDOT Commissioner said the same thing at that meeting with the same crowd reaction. Amazing and revealing at the same time. Read through the public comments included in the environmental impact statement for TTC-69 and it is painfully obvious that most people want nothing to do with this road or this plan.

The first two lead me into my final point. This one really hit home. I'm not sure who else picked up on it but the TXDOT commissioner said time and time again that they were 'federally mandated' to ask for public input as part of the environmental review process. He made it painfully clear that he was fulfilling a federal mandate...nothing more. He has to do it...he doesn't want to. I don't think there is any way to sum it up better.


...and they have shown no ability to listen as of yet!

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