Monday, May 14, 2007

How do you spell smokescreen? SB792

Does anyone else get an uneasy feeling about all these late dealings regarding HB1892 and SB792? Do you get the feeling that those who are causing all this fuss are fully aware and intending to erode support for HB1892. I've said it before. Perry hates HB1892. He doesn't like a moratorium but along with all the other limits and controls in HB1892, he absolutely despises it.

Why does the Governor not like HB1892? I'll tell you.

Not only does HB1892 declare a moratorium on any new private development agreements, but it severely hurts the profit potential for private companies on the TTC. It does this by giving local toll road authorities the right to develop and control roads within their areas without TXDOT interference. This is a severe blow to the TTC. It takes away the very areas that promise to be the most profitable stretches of road along the TTC. A toll road in the middle of nowhere is useless to a private company. It won't make any money because traffic will be too light. However, were the private company to control and operate that same toll road in/around major metro areas it could prove profitable by funnelling traffic onto these more profitable segments. Take away the profitable segments and the private operator has no potential for profit. Take away profit from large road construction contractors and private investment dries up. Take away private investment and profit potential and CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS dry up. That is why Rick Perry hates HB1892. It gives local control over roads and takes away his power to appoint favorable transporation commissioners and planners who will sell roads to the highest bidder. Sure, HCTRA and other major toll authorities can sell us out too...but its a lot easier to stir up enough voting public anger in local areas than it is to do so statewide. Giving control to local authorities puts more power in the hands of the people who vote...making it a local issue, controlled locally by voters. King Perry wants nothing to do with voters making decisions. He's the KING...or so he thinks.

Call your rep and Senator and express your continued support for HB1892 and tell them not to be distracted by Perry's crying and SB792.

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