Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Proof that HB1892 guts the TTC

I've said it many times. HB1892 is our best chance to put an end to the Trans Texas Corridor. Sure, it only contains a two year moratorium. But the provisions allowing local metro tolling authorities control and operate toll roads in their areas is what cripples the TTC.

Click here for the proof.

An alliance formed years ago to advance the development of Hwy 59 from Houston to Laredo into an interstate, I69, is falling apart over HB1892. The alliance has encouraged Governor Perry to veto HB1892. Harris County Toll Road Authority, likely its biggest contributor and member, is about to drop out of the alliance over the alliance's stance that Perry should issue the veto. HCTRA wants local control. The alliance realizes that if HCTRA has local control, then the toll road in other areas, probably won't get built.


Go ahead and veto it Rick 'King' Perry.

To the rest of us. Call your Senator and Representative and reiterate your support of HB1892. We are literally a week or two away from getting what we've been hoping for. Let's push this one over the goal line.

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